Monday, November 7, 2016

A New Exhibition Shows How What We Keep Becomes Who We Are

A New Exhibition Shows How What We Keep Becomes Who We Are


  1. From its description, this exhibition seems like an impartial and effective look into the identities of various collectors. Without having seen the exhibit, I'm limited from experience and left only to speculate, but I think these collections do a great job of exploring the diversity of people's motives for collecting things in the first place. Some to document history, some to aggrandize the ever lasting quality of the earth, and some to explore nostalgia. All valid in their presentation and formal existence as art objects.

  2. Seymour: Well, you think it's healthy to obsessively collect things? You can't connect with other people, so you fill your life with stuff. I'm just like all the rest of these pathetic collector losers.

    -Seymour from "Ghost World"

  3. Seymour: Well, you think it's healthy to obsessively collect things? You can't connect with other people, so you fill your life with stuff. I'm just like all the rest of these pathetic collector losers.

    -Seymour from "Ghost World"
