Thursday, September 3, 2020

Christine Hill - Volksboutique


Christine Hill Volksboutique video here

Volksboutique project website here

Chistine Hill biography:

A resident of Berlin since 1991, American artist Christine Hill has spent her artistic career trying out other careers. Referring to these experiments as “organizational ventures,” rather than performance art or installations, she has opened ad-hoc businesses as varied as a tour guide company, a portable office, a massage parlor, and an apothecary. One of her most enduring works is the Volksboutique, which is comprised of a series of small shops that have popped up around the world. The small businesses combine the tradition of East German community shops—stocked by products made in her studio, the Volksboutique Products Division—with optimistic slogans rendered in red, white, and blue text. Like Andy Warhol, she continues the 20th-century tradition of exploring the relationship between art and commerce, with a bit of theater rolled in.

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