Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Art Guys


The Art Guys have been surprising and confusing audiences for 30 years with their unorthodox art projects. Learn what they have to say about their work, past and present. Watch video here


  1. Seeing the art guys “method to their madness” helped me better understand using myself as a material and how I should go about performing my work for this project. They emphasized using yourself as the material and using time based work that exists for a moment, disappears, and can be open to reappearing. A type of work that is never finished which I found to be a useful viewpoint to apply.

  2. I liked their comments about humor, and how it can be more interesting than sadness. I sometimes get caught up in the "bad" things and forget that their are other tools that can be implemented.

    1. Also humor is an outgrowth of a surprised response to incongruity or a pattern breaking down or being exaggerated. So humor can be very meaningful in relation to art or various social conditions. An effective way to communicate. Sometimes it runs the risk of being discounted as "not serious" or "goofing off" but that is a mistake sometimes made in art audiences. Just because something makes one laugh doesn't mean one should stop thinking about the content or intention. The work or person that is making you laugh might be happy at that reaction but may be trying to communicate beyond that.

  3. The Art Guy's perspective on art and the body as a medium for art is very insightful. Before this interview I didn't understand their intentions in having so much humor in their art, but their is art made to propose questions and not answer them, the complete opposite of what I usually do for projects. A quote from one of them "We enjoy the perpetual quality that art has. The open-endedness and the questioning that continues rather than finalized." I'll definitely think about my sculptures differently from now on and will consider the questions my work raises.

  4. Yes. See my comment to Rowan above. It can double as a response to your insights.
